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I will lift up holy hands without wrath and doubting. (1 Timothy 2:8)

God is more interested in the outcome of his process than in the outcome of your project. He cares more about shaping your character than about shaping your success, and he could care less about your timeline; with God a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day! Things that are urgent to us are not urgent to him at all. He takes his time when we rush, and he relaxes when we stress. Just ask the disciples, who were sweating on the deck of the ship while Jesus was sleeping on a cushion under the deck during that storm! God doesn’t care at all about your timeline, but he cares deeply about you, and so he determines the appointed time to work things in your favor, for your benefit, and for his glory. When you see the days moving by quickly and yet your prayers remain unanswered, its difficult to lift up your hands in worship. The temptation is to adopt a petitioncentric prayer life that is all about getting God to do something that we want him to do. Worship is different: worship trusts that God is doing what needs to be done, both in your heart and in your circumstance.

Share your thoughts: If there’s something in your life that has taken so long that you are having trouble continuing to believe for it, write it here and we will stand in faith with you!