He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
When I was about 11 years old I joined the Alameda Boys Club. On my first day, I was walking around meeting new people, and I met two kids who were about my age. The younger one sized me up and smiled. “I’m bigger,” he said as he walked away. “You’re right,” I thought to myself, “and I’m not messing with you!”
His older brother was even bigger than he was. Together they looked like a force to be reckoned with. I imagined that they could whoop anyone who might have messed with them at the club. But then one day I saw another kid, who was not nearly as big or as strong looking as these two kids. But he was confident; he was standing with four or five other boys bragging about how good of a boxer he was. He went on and on about how many kids he had knocked out and how he would fight anyone.
Later that day, he and the older of the two brothers bumped into each other. The older brother was much bigger and stronger, but he had heard this kid bragging about his boxing skills, so he was intimidated. The arrogant one said, “You betta watch yoself, foo! You wanna box me?” The older brother very timidly declined, apologized, and walked away.
I was flabbergasted! I wanted so badly to see this arrogant kid, who walked around the club punking smaller kids, get put in his place, and I had always imagined that if he ever messed with that kid, it would spell the end. The that bigger kid was under his spell just like everyone else.
The enemy has done a great job convincing us that he is greater, that he can destroy us, that we had better watch ourselves or else he is going to take us out. But my bible tells me that He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world!
I think a bit of sanctified bragging is in order. I think there is a form of holy arrogance that causes our hearts to gloat before the would-be destructive powers of the enemy.
Greater . . . in every way. Stronger than the strongest tempest, higher than the highest mountain, deeper than the deepest ocean floor. Our God is greater.
But here’s the key: We are not simply to boast about how great God is; we are to boast about how great God is in us. God is not just powerful, he is powerful in me!
Our God is greater. He is greater in us and through us and for us and to us . . . We have cause to boast, and we most definitely should!
Share your thoughts:
Have you ever been intimidated by someone or something, only to look back and realize how small it was?