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We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

Our world is full of people who live in a state that is contradictory to their situation. There are men who live like women. There are adults who live like children. There are rulers who live like slaves. There are rich people who live like paupers. And there are conquerors who live like captives.

The fact of the matter is that you are already more than a conqueror because Christ loved you and demonstrated his love for you through his cross and resurrection. But being more than a conqueror and living like you’re more than a conqueror are two different things. The mature believer is simply one who has learned how to live in a manner that corresponds fully to his status in Christ. If you want to live a life worthy of the calling with which you have been called, you’re going to have to learn how to live like you’re more than a conqueror, and that means learning how to go super nike!

The phrase “more than conquerors” is actually the English translation of a single Greek word: hupernikao. The prefix huper means above, beyond, over, and is the etymological root of our English term super. Nikao is a verbal form of the very recognizable Greek term nike, which means victory. Thus, hupernikao refers to a state of being that I might describe as super nike!

Going super nike is about embracing and expressing the victory that you have in Christ, rather than fighting to obtain it in your own power. Going super nike is not about striving, but about resting. Yet, it is not about relaxing, but about advancing. The super nike life is a life of rest-filled advancement . . . it is always moving forward, taking more ground, yet solidly established in the knowledge that it already possesses all of the ground that it seeks to take.

The super nike life is the life of the overcoming overcomer. One who is overcoming is one who is taking ground. One who is an overcomer is one who has taken ground. We are overcoming overcomers because we have taken possession of all things, and yet we are actively engaged in taking possession of that which we possess. We enter into the kingdom of God by faith, and yet we must take it by force.

Going super nike is the act of refusing to bow down before the forces of frustration, anxiety, fear, disappointment. We are constantly being opposed, but yet we are constantly advancing. At times the resistance against our faith is so great that we feel as though we are losing ground. But we must not give up! We must, through faith and patience, inherit that which is promised, knowing that by faith we already possess it.

And there is the key, isn’t it? Your inheritance is yours, but you don’t receive it until the appointed time. Your inheritance is that which you possess from birth; it is yours by virtue of lineage. Yet, although it is always your possession, it is not always in your possession to do with it what you please.

We are overcomers: all things are ours. Yet, we are overcoming because we are still in the process of receiving our inheritance, piece by piece, bit by bit . . . until the whole possession is ours.

Keep fighting for your inheritance! Keep resting upon his promises! Go super nike today and begin to live in a manner that is appropriate to your status in Christ! If you would make the decision to do just this, your life will change forever.