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I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. (Psalm 13:5)

Unfailing love: this is the basis of our trust in the Lord.

His love never fails, and its easy to trust someone who’s love is unfailing. The problem with God, however, is that he allows us to walk through times in which it seems like his love has failed us. We must determine in those moments to trust in his unfailing love, even though he seems neither loving nor unfailing.

I don’t know about you, but I often worry about people’s interpretations of my actions more than I worry about my motives. Sometimes I think things like, I’d better not do that because people will think I’m . . . God is different: he does what he knows is right, and he doesn’t care about what we think of what he does. He doesn’t change his schedule because we might think that he doesn’t love us. Instead, he expects us to trust in his unfailing love when we go through hardships.

His love is like the rising of the sun; it can be trusted. His love is covenantal, and that is what the Hebrew word for unfailing love really means. Ḥesed. Covenantal love. It is the kind of love that a mother has for her new-born child. The act of bringing a child into the world is itself a covenantal act; it is a statement of responsibility and long-term devotion. God is the Father of all, and when he brought the world into being, he determined in himself that he would not abandon it. And God is a J: what he starts, he finishes; whatever the cost.

Share your thoughts:
How easy is it for you to trust in God’s unfailing love? Do you ever feel like his love has failed you?