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Who says you can’t exercise if you have a kid?

On Monday morning Alethia and I drove Sunhee to SFO, where she met the rest of her Thailand team and headed off for yet another kingdom adventure. What was I to do with a four-year-old for the remainder of the day? You got it! Get some Exercise!

So we headed over to Crissy Field where I rented a bike with a child seat on the back. She was wearing shorts, flip flops, and a t-shirt, so I had to buy her a sweater, a pair of pants, a pair of socks, and a pair of shoes.

Then I locked her into the child seat, and away we went.

After about 15 minutes of riding, Alethia said, “Daddy, this is the funnest day ever!” I was thrilled . . . and not a little exhausted.

My legs were burning, my breathing was labored, and beads of sweat began to congeal on my forehead even though it was less than 60 degrees out there.

We rode for about 45 minutes, and then Alethia said, “Daddy, I’m tired. Let’s go home now.”

She’s tired? I’m doing all the work! lol

What I learned was that having a child doesn’t have to stop me from getting my workout on. I had a great workout and my 4-year-old had a great time. Win win!

So what’s stopping you from taking control of your physical health? Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Is your temple in disrepair? It’s time for a rebuilding campaign! It’s time to rebuild the house of the Lord . . . and you are that house!

What has stopped you in the past? Are you ready to move past it?