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As 2013 comes to a close, I’ve spent some time looking back over my blog to see which posts have made an impact, and which have not.

In this post I’ll provide a brief synopsis of my seven most popular posts of the year. Enjoy!

I’ll list these posts in descending order, beginning with the least popular of the seven. I’ve also provided links to the articles, in case you haven’t read them, or you wish to review them.

#7: Why I’m So Juiced! (August 20th)

When I wrote this post I was in the thick of my juicing experiment after watching a powerful documentary on the subject. The results were amazing: I lost 18 pounds in 14 days, I had more energy, and I even slept better at night. I need to start juicing again. Pray my strength in the Lord!

#6: Three Forms of Facebook Foolishness (December 16th)

This post describes some of the foolishness that takes place on Facebook and gives some keys to avoiding it. Included in the discussion are things like proper etiquette for disagreeing on someone else’s wall, why you should never use a status update to blast someone.

#5. Why Discipline is Overrated (September 21st)

This post makes a very important point: discipline never transpires in a vacuum; it is always a consequence of something else. It’s better to seek that something else than it is to seek discipline. Good read!

#4. Will You Shut Up!?! (July 3rd)

I wrote this post while watching a couple argue in an airport where I was waiting for my flight. The post is about what I would have said to them if I were to have sat down and talked with them at that moment.

#3. In Defense of Marriage (June 28th)

This post is my perspective on the proper Christian response to the controversy surrounding the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

#2. Strange Fire? A Response to John MacArthur (October 17th)

In this post I address John MacArthur’s recent attack on all things charismatic by pointing out the inconsistencies and limitations of his position.

#1. Why Grieve for Trayvon (July 15th)

In this post I openly identified with the grief experienced by African Americans in reaction to the acquittal of George Zimmerman. By far the most controversial post I ever wrote, and by far the most widely read. It was even picked up Sojourners, where it probably got tens of thousands of hits.

These are my most popular posts of the year, not necessarily my best posts of the year. This has been my first year as a serious blogger, and what I’ve noticed is that what I consider to be my best posts got very little attention, and some of the posts that I thought were just aight got lots of attention. Of course, that’s the fun of blogging; it forces you to simply put your work out there and keep moving forward. Some articles will get noticed, some won’t. Just keep on writing and know that you’re making a difference.

Maybe it’s time for you to start your blog? Why not jump into the waters of the blogosphere and let your voice be heard? It’s a good decision to make for the new year. If you’re interested, there are two articles I’d like to direct you to. The first is entitled Creating Your Blog, and it provides step-by-step instructions for getting to launch. The second is entitled What Should I Blog About? It provides some advice on developing and honing your content.

If you’ve read my blog entries over the last year, thanks so much for being a part of this journey with me. It means a lot to me that you would take the time to read what I have written. I hope and pray that my blog has been a blessing and encouragement to you, and I can’t wait to give you the things that I have planned for next year!