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The Solution to The California Drought

The Solution to The California Drought

The California Drought is something that we’re not taking very seriously. But it is serious! Have you seen the pictures of the effects of the drought? If not, you’re in for a rude awakening! It goes without saying that we all need to be conserving water in...
God of Wonders: Report from Indonesia

God of Wonders: Report from Indonesia

As I checked my luggage in at the counter of the airport terminal in Medan, Sumatra where I was to await my return flight to California, the immensity of the miracles that we had seen God do over the previous seven days began to hit me. Go and tell John what you see...
Meditation & The Brain

Meditation & The Brain

People often ask me how it is that I have memorized so much Scripture. When I tell them that I never try to memorize Scripture, they tend to conclude that I have some sort of a photographic memory. I wish this were the case, but it is far from the truth. I would argue...
The Power of the Parent

The Power of the Parent

Last week I wrote about the great generational crisis that is felt so acutely around high school graduation time. Statistically, 60% of our young people who have attended church during their high school years have not only graduated from high school, but have...
The Great Generational Crisis

The Great Generational Crisis

If I were asked to identify the central crisis faced by 21st century Christianity, I would not say that it is a crisis of evangelism, of doctrine, or of ethics. The great crisis that we must address in order for Christianity to survive the 21st century is generational...
Respect is Earned?

Respect is Earned?

Love is unconditional, but respect is earned. This is a very popular piece of foolishness. Respect and love cannot ultimately be differentiated. You cannot claim to love those who you blatantly disrespect, at least not in the active sense of love. Respect is a...