by Benjamin Robinson | Jul 22, 2015 | Relationships
At least 50% of your relational pain can be alleviated by simply practicing the art of relational stretching on a daily basis.
by Benjamin Robinson | Jul 20, 2015 | Relationships
COMPATIBILITY & RELATIONAL PAIN Benjamin Robinson | July 20, 2015 | Relationships If you’re in the market for a spouse, you’re probably concerned about finding someone with whom you are compatible. And if you are married and having a difficult time, you just might...
by Benjamin Robinson | Jun 16, 2014 | Church, Leadership, Relationships
Last week I wrote about the great generational crisis that is felt so acutely around high school graduation time. Statistically, 60% of our young people who have attended church during their high school years have not only graduated from high school, but have...
by Benjamin Robinson | May 21, 2014 | Relationships
Love is unconditional, but respect is earned. This is a very popular piece of foolishness. Respect and love cannot ultimately be differentiated. You cannot claim to love those who you blatantly disrespect, at least not in the active sense of love. Respect is a...
by Benjamin Robinson | Dec 16, 2013 | Communication, Relationships, Social Media
Facebook is a wonderful place to connect with an ever-expanding network of people. But it’s also a seed-bed for assorted forms of foolishness. Avoiding these various forms of Facebook foolishness will help you maximize the joy of the holiday season without...
by Benjamin Robinson | Nov 7, 2013 | Church, Relationships, Spirituality, Theology
The cry for the unity of the body of Christ is more audible today than it has ever been, and yet it seems that the Church is no closer to true unity than it ever was. Not only do we continue to divide over old controversies, but we seem to create new controversies...