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He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

We often say that Jesus lives in our hearts, and in fact, this is biblical truth. But when we speak of Jesus dwelling in our hearts, we are not speaking in physical/material terms. The “heart” refers to the inmost being, the center of the soul. Jesus dwells there with us, in all of his glory. When we look inward we tend to see nothing but blood and guts. God sees light and glory in us, and so does the devil!

On Sunday I shared a story I heard recently about a man who had a dream in which he was trapped in a room with Satan, and being pummeled his accusations. In that moment he felt completely powerless, and couldn’t even find the strength to call on the name of Jesus.

Then, suddenly, Jesus appeared in the middle of the room with his back to the man and his face toward Satan. Jesus began to back up, and back up, and back up . . . until he had backed the man up against the wall and was standing right in front of him. This was confusing; why was Jesus backing away from Satan?

Then Jesus took another step back, and stepped inside of the man, and suddenly the man began to see through the eyes of Jesus. He stepped forward and rebuked Satan in Jesus’ name, and he fell to the floor and dissolved.

Greater is he. We all get that. Jesus is greater than Satan. Greater is he who is in me. Because I’ve got Jesus on the inside, I can walk in victory over whatever is on the outside. Remember that today, and you’ll walk in great victory!